The usage of Flylogs API requires acceptance of our Terms and conditions. Get in contact with our support team to get the API service active on your company account.
API access is limited to Premium and Unlimited Flylogs Account users.
Access to the API has to be requested to the Flylogs Support team in order to be activated for your company.
The API requires an existing active Flylogs user, the access level to features and functions will depend on the user type and its privileges.
Every API requests requires an AUTHORIZATION BEARER token. The token is received from the Flylogs server on the login response.
The token is destroyed on each login, logout or every 14 days, what ever happens first.
API usage is limited and throttled. Any user abusing the system or performing an abusive number of requests will be banned from the system automatically for 14 days.
Upon API service activation, you will receive the POSTMAN collection link.
Last updated
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