Account types
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Every time you create a new Flylogs user within your account, you need to carefully select the desired account type. The account type you select will determine the access level of the new user.
You can create:
STAFF MEMBERS, which can also be PILOTS.
Pilots with no company management privileges.
Audit users
Staff members are people working in your organization. Usually this members will have a management role of some level, and in some cases, some could also have some flight crew duties.
To create staff members, navigate to Company > Staff > Create a new user
All staff members require at least the following fields:
Family name
Email address
User type
Company administrator: It is the highest level. The user that creates the company is usually a company administrator, but new administrators can be created and the initial can be downgraded or deleted.
Operations manager: This profile has access to all options except the management of the administrator account.
Compliance & Safety manager: Access to reporting tools, docs, flights, trainings and SMS.
Human resources manager: Create and manage any other company user.
Financial manager: Access to manage company billing and user account balances. Also has the hability to manage the Flylogs Premium subscription and download the bills.
Crew Scheduling: Limited access with privilege to manage the flight schedule and pilot info and availability.
Flight Dispatcher: This profile can edit or cancel scheduled flights. Also can confirm and enter flight details after their landings.
Mechanic: Access to all aircraft details. Management of the maintenances and all aircraft flight and logbook view+download options.
As mentioned before, any of these STAFF profiles, can also be activated as pilot. In that case, the user will appear both in the STAFF members and PILOTS lists.
Pilot management can be performed by any Company administrator, Operations manager or Human Resources manager.
Pilots do not have company management privileges and are designed to be selected in any flight, schedule, training or SMS report forms.
In contrast with STAFF members, pilots can be created without email address. This will allow you to schedule or store flight data for a pilot without or unknown email address. In this case, the pilot, will not have LOGIN access to Flylogs.
Pilots can also be created with or without flying privileges. This way, you can control who can or can not fly. This is usefull for student pilots still in their first stages of the trainings. It will remove non-flying pilots from flight/scheduling forms to avoid errors and remove clutter.
Pilot account types:
Chief Pilot: This pilot has access to view all other pilots, flights, documents, SMS and schedules.
Flight Instructors, have a more limited access to view all their own flights, schedules and SMS. They can also view all students.
Captain: Own flights and schedule view/edit only.
Pilot: Own flights and schedule view/edit only.
Student Pilot: This is the most limited access with view only capabilities and limited access to other pilot profiles.
You can deactivate users to hide them from any list and archive them. The user information is not deleted, but will be hidden from your daily tasks.
You can delete staff members and pilots also, but in this case, Flylogs will mark the user as deleted with the same result and this action can not be undone unless you request it to our support service.
If you deactivate a pilot, this user will dissapear from your list as expected, but the user will still have access and login option to the Flylogs account without edit capabilities.
This is setup this way so the pilots can always log in to check his/her logbooks as needed.